Influencer Marketing For
Apparel and Accessories Brands

Influencer marketing for apparel and accessories brands has long been a front-runner in influencer marketing india. Discover what so many DTC fashion brands are doing right and how CYBEES would guide your brand in doing the same

Apparels & Accessories

Influencer Marketing For
Apparel and Accessories Brands

By the numbers

The apparel and accessories brands have long been front runner in influencer marketing. Discover what so many DTC apparel and accessories brands are doing right and how CYBEES would guide your brand in doing the same

Analyze the industry’s figures, which are still growing despite the global financial crisis.

The Indian textile market is to expand by 23.3 us Billion Dollars by 2027 Indian fashion markets to reach 102 billion dollars by 2022 ( by fashion network)

Proven influencer marketing strategies that work

Here at CYBEES, we’ve worked with some of the best DTC influencer marketing for apparel and accessories brands and witnessed plenty of innovation, and successful influencer campaigns along the road at CYBEES.

Emphasize social welfare in campaigns

Collaborate with an influencer who shares your social values and conduct collaborations for the cause you care about. For example, you may donate one product for every one purchased. You will not only increase revenue, but you will also create a favorable brand image. With cybees, you can take action swiftly and effortlessly interact with influencers and your team.

Sales that are hidden

Create hidden sales where influencers offer a unique invitation to their followers to make viewers feel like they’re “in” on something special Campaign management is a CYBEES tool. Within which you can create affiliate links, monitor product fulfilment, and manage discount coupons

Create Promo Codes

Provide larger discounts on promo codes for your influencer partners to share with their audience. Sales will increase as a result of influencers’ ability to contact and persuade their audience to take advantage of a tempting offer. With cybees reporting and attribution tools, you can track the actual ROI and performance of all your influencer campaigns

Slim down sales

Clothing and accessory businesses find enormous returns on short-term, time-sensitive purchases. These “slim sales” rely on influencers to advertise a specific time frame for their audience to act, giving purchasers a sense of exclusivity and urgency. Content generation and management with the Cybees tool Find and contact the appropriate artists to acquire the greatest content for your advertisements, website, and social media postings. With CYBEES reporting and attribution tools, you can track the actual ROI and performance of all your influencer campaigns

Connect with the right influencers

It’s not all about the number of followers. Brands that engage with influencers that are a true match for their brand are more likely to create authentic content that resonates with consumers and fosters genuine brand love. Find credible influencers, access outreach templates, and manage influencer relationships using cybees influencer search engine of over million influencers

Want tips and tricks straight from successful marketers?

Make the most of your influencer marketing program with the all-in-one platform designed to help you build more authentic, brand-boosting relationships.